
Monday, 2 September 2013

Edwin Bower Hesser Gallery 1#

Edwin Bower Hesser was a popular Hollywood photographer during the silent era and early talkies. He created beautifully sensual images often with bright, golden undertones. In 1925 he began his own arts magazine ‘Arts Monthly Pictorial’ which featured pages of nude/ semi-nude women. He was also the famous photographer of a handful of semi-nude shots of Jean Harlow in posing around Griffith Park, published in his magazine in 1929. I have not included this pictures because they are a little risqué, but let me know if you want to see them. He also created a three-colour system for photography – named appropriately ‘Hessercolor’ – used on the set of early Technicolour films, ‘Becky Sharp’ (1935) and ‘La Cucaracha’ (1934). Below I have included some of his most beautiful shots of several Precode stars and hope to add more in future posts:
Carole Lombard:

Joan Crawford:
Sue Carol:
Dixie Lee:
Virginia Bruce:
Ann Harding:


  1. The second Joan Crawford picture and the Ann Harding one are my favorites. Haunting!
