The film was officially premiered on January 20, 1933 in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Later that year filmmakers attempted to sell the movie to American exhibitors. As the industry was still operating under a Precode, self-censorship form of the Hays Code, it should have been easier for the film to be seen by audiences who were as this time enjoying such controversial and risqué films as ‘Female’ (1933) and ‘Bitter Tea of General Yen’ (1933), right? Well not quite, the Catholic Legion of Decency – a powerful organisation aimed at reducing immoral content in films and who later was instrumental in altering the Pre-code system – condemned the film as “morally objectionable”. A year passed and films entered a stricter, controlled style that would govern filmmaking for the next few decades.
Joseph Breen
Two years after the films European release Samuel
Cummins attempted to import the film into the US. Upon its entry customs sprang
into action seizing the film and burning it before Cummins had the chance to
launch an appeal. Determined he then tried to push through a heavily edited
version – created originally for release into Germany – with the nude bathing
scenes and hints of adultery removed. This version was allowed into the country
by customs officials.
In 1936, a US distributor attempted to have the film
given the seal of approval by the Hays Code which would allow the picture to be
given a country-wide release. After ten months of lobbying they were refused.
Breen even came out against the film commenting in a memo to Hays that it was,
“highly – even dangerously – indecent”. His official reply to the distributor
regret to advise you that we cannot approve your production Estase that you
submitted for our examination yesterday for the reason that is our considered
unanimous judgement that the picture is definitely and specifically in
violation of the Production Code. This violation is suggested by the basic story…in
that it is a [story] of illicit love and frustrated sex, treated in detail
without sufficient compensating moral values.”
In December 1940 after five years of debates and
struggles ‘Ecstasy’ was finally released to US viewers…without the seal of
approval. Its distribution now came down to the discretion of state censor
boards whose opinions were widespread and varied; for example, New York allowed
the film while Pennsylvania completely banned it and others either restricted viewings
or demanded cuts.
The film was
now available - perhaps not in a wide release or in its original form – to US
viewers but the movie would not be rid of controversy. Lamarr’s first husband, wealthy
munitions manufacturer Friedrich Mandl, heavily objected to the film and his perception
that it exploited his young wife. He attempted to buy as many copies of the
film as possible during their marriage from 1933 to 1937. It was another
attempt at a kind of independent censorship but thankfully for film history and
the future career of Lamarr which flourished perhaps somewhat from her
controversial role, he was unsuccessful.
The film is now available through both legal and
illegal means on the boundless entity that is the internet. It is strange in an
era of high technology and quick and simple communication from country to
country, to understand the concept of having a feature film completely blocked
from entering a nation. Foreign films are becoming less foreign. Today almost
nothing is off limits, filmmakers are allowed the privilege to create what they
choose and show what they choose. Whether this is a positive step for movie
production or not, it surfaces the most interesting and controversial question
of all – the question of censorship itself.