
Monday, 6 February 2017

This Week in History - Feb 5 to 11

Everything you need to know about the goings-ons and gossip from this week in Precode Hollywood.


Sound Coquette Made - Having completed the sound version of Coquette, Mary Pickford has gone into retirement until director, Sam Taylor, can complete the script for the silent version.
Young Must Stand Trial - Noah Beery’s larceny charge against his representative, Felix Young, is assuming serious proportions. The judge stated that he would not allow the court to be used as a collection agency and that the charge must stand. Beery wanting to withdraw the charge, cannot change his mind at this date, it was intimated. Young was charged with selling Beery's services for two days for $2,500 and giving the actor but $1,000 was extradited from New York.  

Greta Garbo Back - Great Garbo has settled all her difference with MGM and is reported arriving at the Culver City plant in March. 

Gouda Damage Case - Characterising Jetta Goudal as a headache, but a marvellous actress, C.B. DeMille recited his experiences with the temperamental actress as a defendant in a suit brought by her for $101,000 for breach of contract. The actress asserted that DeMille abruptly terminated her five-year contract with three more years to go. Several other directors substantiated DeMille’s testimony that in several instances she refused to take direction and would cause considerable delays and loss of money due to her temperamental outbursts.


Young-Withers Won’t be Talked Out of Marriage - Grant Withers and Loretta Young, who eloped last week, have decided not to let the family talk them out of their romance or into an annulment. As the couple refuse to consent to nullification proceedings, the court is helpless in the matter.
Grant Withers and Loretta Young in 1930
Strange Skin Disease From War Uniforms - Mysterious skin infections attacked 23 members of an American legion doing extra work as French soldiers in All Quiet on the Western Front. Men were wearing French government uniforms used during the war. Doctors didn’t know whether some germs had lain dormant in the uniforms since the war or whether a particularly virulent chemical disinfectant may have been used on the uniforms. The afflicted reportedly suffered large skin peels and severe pain.

Mabel Normand’s Transfusions - Mabel Normand is in a serious condition due to tuberculosis. Blood transfusions are being made once a week.

Mabel Normand in 1927, aged only 35, following her diagnosis with tuberculosis


Arliss Won’t Pash - George Arliss’ “The Millionaire”, formerly titles “The Ruling Passion” probably explains by its former title why the director in one scene beseeched the dignified English actor:
“Please, Mr Arliss, a little more passion.”
In another sequence, the star objected to a swimming pool sequence with girls splashing about, stating he wasn’t making a Sennett comedy.
Evelyn Knapp and George Arliss in 'The Millionaire'
Kay Francis Grows Ill When Given Maid Role - At Paramount last week, Kay Francis, was assigned to a maid’s role in a feature. Miss Francis suddenly became ill and later produced a doctor’s certificate that she was unable to appear. Miss Francis has entered into an agreement with Warners following her Paramount term shortly expiring. 


Beerys Adopt - Wallace and Rita Beery have filed papers for adoption of 16-month-old Carol Ann Priester, orphaned daughter of Mrs Beery’s aunt.
Wallace Beery and Carol Ann
Radio Trains Andre with Bible - When Gwili Andre completes her preliminary training for her picture role, she will be placed in a John Barrymore picture. Meantime, Gwili, is being coached by Irving Pichel who has her reading aloud daily from the Bible.


California Sun Melts Hitches - California’s liberal divorce laws of 1933 were just the right kind of meat for eastern couples who dive into Hollywood’s swimming pool as a two-act and come up far apart. Of the 102 marriage meltings in the past two years, 40% consisted of pairs who moved themselves westward since talkers began to blare. Hollywood gets ‘em, just as it splits the regular run of film couples, with five-sixths of the legal separations due to ‘That Hollywood Influence’. This was described as:
1) One of the parties becoming a success
2) Gossip ribbing and chattering of columnists 
3) California’s liberal divorce laws
4) Propinquity of Nevada and Mexico
5) Picture grind, which leaves the non-working mate idle.
6) Clare of publicity to which every celeb marriage is subject.
Joan Crawford testifying in court for her divorce from Douglas Fairbanks Jr in 1933
Women’s Secret Society - Local branch of the 100% Americans, a secret National Woman’s organisation, formed last week in 1933. Trying to get petitions signed locally for national motion picture censorship.

Exploiting Employee’s Entrance - One house was all ready for Employee’s Entrance when it cam along. Will all have a special ticket booth in the form of a doorway lettered ‘Employees Only’ and will sell tickets at a 10% reduction. 
An advertisement promoting 'Employee's Entrance' 


Hays on Legs - Chiselling on the Hays edict concerning leg publicity stills current on at least two Hollywood lots. Magazine people looking for such material are told they cannot be supplied inasmuch as the ban is on. “However,” say the P.A.s, “there’s nothing said about pictures being taken by outside photogs, so if you want to send a cameraman we’ll supply the girls. 
Joan Blondell and her famous legs
Gilbert Sues Metro - Contending that a contract entered into late last fall between John Gilbert and Metro is inequitable while it gives the studio an option on the actor’s services over a period of seven years, and also stipulates salary to be paid if and when using him in a production, or in a directorial capacity, Gilbert, has filed a new complaint for declaratory relief. Gilbert contends that there is nothing in the contract that stipulates Metro will utilise his services at any time during the contract period.

Warner Brothers fashion designer, Orr Kelly, took off for Paris this week for research on Napoleon for a picture of that title.

Nabe Mammas Cause Bow Pics Yank-Out - The first instance on record here of a nabe house yanking a picture before end of its run because of complaints from family trade to which it caters took place in Pittsburgh last week. The film was Clara Bow’s ‘Hoopla’, booked for a full week. At the end of three days it was pulled, not because business wasn’t satisfactory, but because no end of mothers had protested against sending their kids to see Bow. 
Not appropriate for children - Clara Bow in 'Hoopla' 

1 comment:

  1. Poor Mabel! She had a rough time.

    I'm sure Clara Bow could pack in an audience, even if kids weren't allowed in the theatre...
