
Monday, 13 February 2017

This Week in History - Feb 12 to 18

Everything you need to know about the goings-ons and gossip from this week in Precode Hollywood.


Lily Langtry Dead - Lady De Bathe, 77, professionally known as Lily Langtry died at Monte Carlo on February 12 of heart failure.
Hell’s Angels at 17 Reels - James Hall and Ben Lyon were recalled last week for flying inserts in Hell’s Angels taken at Caddo Field in Van Nuys. The production is now down to 17 reels, leaving but five to cut out.

Assumed Charms of 50 Show Girls Classified - An acute examination of the assumed charms of 50 leading Broadway showgirls reveals sad deficiencies. Despite propaganda, the publicised “beauties” do a tailspin upon analysis point by point. Of the 50 girls:
- seven are knock-kneed
- eight wear glasses to read
- 18 have astigmatism
- two are actually pigeon-toed
- nine have scars on their faces
- 16 have dyed hair
- only seven have a genuine rosy complexion
- 22 are undeniably pasty-faced
- 14 are unusually round shouldered
- 27 are either too fat or too thin
- 17 have oversized shoulders
- 19 are flat chested
- 35 own from one to 12 false teeth
- eight have one or more gold teeth
- only six are distinguished looking in evening clothes
- 29 are common appearing in street wraps
- 12 have extremely large mouths
- 15 have razor edge lips
- 28 have ungainly torsos
- 11 have exceptionally long arms
- seven have short arms
- 10 have very large necks
- 25 have naturally wavy hair and
- 19 have facial birth marks, freckle or moles


Dot Mackaill’s Loss - Dorothy Mackaill escaped serious injury when the Sunset Limited from San Francisco struck a gasoline line truck on February 10. She lost two trunks in the fire which destroyed part of the train.
Revising Bill for Federal Censorship - Warning of an impending fight to establish national censorship of pictures is given by the Federated Motion Picture council in an announcement that they are at work revising the Hudson bill for reintroduction into Congress. This measure will provide for a federal commission to regulate pictures subject matter and its treatment.

Campaign on Garbo has Coast Steamed Up - “Greta Garbo is the greatest living actress,” is the billing being given for that star for Anna Christie in 24 sheets plastered all over the town. Fox West Coast publicity department was behind the extravagant placarding that created comment. Meanwhile, Elsie Adair and Mable Lash, studio doubles for Greta Garbo, worked as a lobby plug for Anna at the Criterion. The girls appeared in a frame in the lobby dressed in the clothes worn by Garbo in the picture. The gag tied up sidewalk traffic during their appearance. 


Radio Stars Dorothy Lee Despite Her Objections - Radio will star Dorothy Lee despite her objections. Studio offered a starring contract a month ago, which she turned down claiming she wasn’t ready for the big leap. Miss Lee was then assigned to the femme lead in Too Many Cooks opposite Bert Wheeler. After the completion of the picture she will be assigned to one with her name above it.
In anticipation of her first European vacation, Norma Shearer, Canadian by birth, is now a naturalised American citizen.

Brutal Censoring Burns Press and Fans - Pennsylvania censors are certainly getting tough these days. They butchered The Blue Angel so badly Paramount refused to release it there and Greta Garbo’s Inspiration was chopped to 60 minutes. The latest to get the axe is Nancy Carroll’s Stolen Heaven. The board refused to okay it in present form and it may have to be shelved entirely in this state, like Blue Angel.


Mickey McGuire Legalised - Judge Gates ruled Mickey McGuire (who became Mickey Rooney) had a right to use that cognomen as his legally changed name. Judge dissolved an injunction by Radio Darmour Productions and Fontaine Fox against the boy’s taking it.

Tarzan’s New Finis - Owing to audience reaction at the preview of Metro’s Tarzan, the picture is having a new ending supplied. In the original a monkey protecting the heroine was killed by a gorilla. At the tryout there was such evident disapproval of the incident that a new tag will be made of a happy ending for the monk. Figured the same reaction would obtain on general release.

Tom Mix to Wed - Tom Mix was married on February 15 to Mabel Hubbell, circus
aerialist, known as Mabel Ward. It is is third marriage. The bride was with the Sells-Floto circus of which Mix was also a headline member. 
No Hooey Or Else - Hal Roach contracts with kids now bing them to study their lessons and regularly attend school classes arranged for them. It’s the first time in the history of children in pictures that playing hookey from school is made a breach of contract. 


George Raft in Wrong - Paramount is ready to put George Raft under suspension upon his refusal to play a part in Case of Temple Drake. Jack La Rue starts instead today. Raft is insisting the company give him $2,500 a week or he will go to Europe. Now drawing $750 weekly. It’s understood a producer associated with Paramount told Raft to stand put on the demand and that the company with come through. The officials here are burned over it. 

Marlene’s Pants Give LA Stores a Break - Department stores here are viking with one another in pushing sale of male attire for women or mannish femme outfits, and are tying up picture star names as added lure. Marlene Dietrich gets the biggest plug in the drive, with ‘Marlene’ trouser suits; ‘Marlene’ hats and mannish suits, and ‘Marlene’ severely tailored coast suits. Other femme outfits of the mannish type are labelled ‘Kay’, ‘Marian’, ‘Norma’, ‘Joan’ and ‘Helen’. 

Can’t Can Cantway - Warners can’t get away from Maxine Cantway. Four years ago the studio removed her from the chorus ranks and gave her a contract, later dropping her. This week contracts were handed out to 12 of the 20 chorines in 42nd Street and among the names was Miss Cantway. 


Hays Better - Leaving Queens of Angels hospital where he had been taking a rest cure for several days, Will Hays, left for the east on February 9. Accompanying him to New York was Mrs Hays, Mr and Mrs Harry Warner, Patterson Rothacker and George Northwick.

472 For Awards - Members of the Academy have 472 pictures to choose from in picking the winners of the awards, which will go respectively to the best male and female acting of the year, best writing, best directing and to the production company for the best picture. Ballots have been mailed calling for nominations of three names for each class. The final awards will be made at the Academy banquet March 16.

Astaire Due in April Despite Divorce Ban - Radio Pictures is in trouble with the Hays organisation over Gay Divorcee. It was intended to do the musical with Fred Astaire in his original role by Hays ruled it out, claiming the subject was not suitable picture material. Radio is arguing the matter, but also looking for another vehicle for Astaire. Whatever the result, Astaire closes with stage production Gay Divorcee in April and will present himself in Hollywood in June. It is practically set that Ginger Rogers will be his leading lady.


  1. All about the great ' Lily Langtry ', one of the greatest dance of the ancient times and was of great personality too. This is really an amazing blog about her.

  2. I personally, don't know these artists and what was their famous movie, songs, and dance back then. While reading this article I was very curious about these artists and what made them famous and be the subject of talk around the town. In this article mention, what was there issue back then and the reason why they have gone to the stardom, but behind their gossip in Hollywood they became famous because of what they have done in the Hollywood and to their contributions to the entertainment industry. Precode Hollywood allows us to be more updated about the goings-on and gossip in the Hollywood industry whether artists from the past until now. Thank you for keeping us updated about the famous artist in Hollywood and giving information and background about them, it is part of our history now because of their contribution to the entertainment industry.
